I'm not a perfect girl. My hair doesn't always stay in place and I spill things a lot. I'm pretty clumsy and sometimes i have a broken heart. My friends and I sometimes fight and maybe some days nothing goes right. But when i think about it and take a step back, I remember how amazing life truly is and that maybe, just maybe, I like being unperfect <3

Sunday, May 23, 2010

What is it about cookies that make life so wonderful? Is it the milky chocolate chip that melts in your mouth leaving you with a rich creamy cocoa flavor that lingers for hours? (If you don't brush your teeth...te hee hee) Or is it the warm buttery texture of the cookie itself that screams you know you want me come and get me?! Either way, nothing can make me as happy as a oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. Except maybe world peace.
Someone told me its been proven that girls are chemically made up to like chocolate more than men. I think i am a prime example of this. . .
My major is nutrition, i know what you are thinking...IRONIC. haha but my take on dietetics is that if you deprive yourself of something... eventually most people binge. Get into good habits that fit your body and your needs, and stick to them!! If you really want a chocolate chip cookie, eat it. Just don't eat 20! haha I try to get into habits such as this, choose a day or two to spoil yourself with a treat. If your mormon, that day tends to be sunday. Eat a big yummy dessert and enjoy it! Then avoid treats during the week so you can have your sunday treat againnnn!! yumm numm! My thing is graham crackers. My family is dessert MANIACS, so during the week if i'm craving sweets i'll whip out a few graham crackers and milk. Not a bad idea...lot less calories and fat than these choco cookies i made! haha

Since i'm a nutrition major i'll prob post stuff about nutrition oh too frequently, but heres a little nutrition tip for the day:


"Before fatty acids can be transported, they must be activated by the addition of Coenzyme A (CoA). This reaction requires and 'investment' of energy from ATP. " ATP from Carbss!! You need to eat carbs to burn fat!! Just don't OD on carbs! Dr. Atkins was a little looney..and now not alive... anyhow, don't cut carbs out of your diet if you want to lose weight.

Here is another reason to get adequate carbs:

"The TCA cycle (metabolic cycle) functions only when there is adequate oxaloacetate, a carb derivative. Thus if a person is following a very low-carb diet, which increases fat catabolism, or if a person with diabetes has too little functioning insulin to allow glucose to enter the cells, oxaloacetate production falls and TCA cycle activity decreases. As fat catabolism continues during this carb-depleted state, the acetyl CoA builds up, exceeding the ability of the TCA cycle to metabolize it, and it begins to accumulate in the liver cells" Leading to ketones which are very acidic and bad for your body! (Because they are acidic (thus give your body a higher pH than healthy) you're body will try to urinate them out, which can lead to dehydration, etc.) In addition, if ketosis gets bad enough, your body starts using protein sources like muscle tissue and organ tissue to produce the oxaloacetate and other things the body needs to keep the TCA cycle functioning.

So tip of the day,

If you are starting a No Carb diet, reconsider. :)

The best way to being a healthy regimen is to cut out the processed foods and when you get hungry, eat a banana, or apple, or cucumber. Not only are these very nutrient dense, but its harder to binge eat bananas than it is cheetos.

Happy Sundayyyy! Hope you enjoyed the nutrition tips of the day! ohh and since its sunday.... go have a cookie :)

1 comment:

  1. Danielle- your blog is so cute!! I didn't know youre a nutrition major, I love it!! I'm a dietetics major so i love that kind of stuff too :) haha and i love all your nutrition tips! You've inspired me to keep up my blog now more often now, so we should be blogging friends :)
