I'm not a perfect girl. My hair doesn't always stay in place and I spill things a lot. I'm pretty clumsy and sometimes i have a broken heart. My friends and I sometimes fight and maybe some days nothing goes right. But when i think about it and take a step back, I remember how amazing life truly is and that maybe, just maybe, I like being unperfect <3

Friday, May 21, 2010

Stranger danger

So today i came across a stranger who told me 2 wise things:

1. Carry you're stuff with you at the gym, people know how to break your lock....

2. "The key to success is to love everyone, and always do more than what they expect of you cheerfully."

I don't think i've ever been given better advice. Its only been one day and #2 has already made my day incredible!! So often i get to busy i just do what is expected of me and move on, but i found that just doing even a little bit more for each person I meet, expecting nothing in return, has the most amazing impact on my life!

I have a beautiful wonderful family,

and a best friend for a sister.

LiFe Is GoOd :)

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