I'm not a perfect girl. My hair doesn't always stay in place and I spill things a lot. I'm pretty clumsy and sometimes i have a broken heart. My friends and I sometimes fight and maybe some days nothing goes right. But when i think about it and take a step back, I remember how amazing life truly is and that maybe, just maybe, I like being unperfect <3

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I Stand All Amazed

Do you ever have those days where you seriously feel like you are the most inadquate person alive?

Lately I've had some thoughts weighing on my mind. That being said, since I'm me, I tend to push those thoughts aside and pretend like they don't exist. I seem to do that with every problem I have, it being a coping mechanism. As a result, however, they've been building and building and building up lately, and beginning to weigh into my conscious thoughts a little too much. Not wanting to bother anyone with my pitty party I've been silently allowing them to fester. Finally today I sat down and realized, "If I don't face these challenges head on right now, I'm never going to be completely happy again."

I decided to take this problem to the lord. I went into my room by my bed and knelt. I said a silent prayer, asking the lord to help me with the issues at hand and to help me to recognize that the answer i'm getting is from him and not me fabricating one. I set my scriptures down and allowed them to fall to whatever page they would. Normally they go to a page that has a bookmark in it or something, but this time they did not. I opened to 1 Nephi 21: 14-16.

"But behold zion hath said: The lord hath forsaken me, and my lord hath forgotten me-but he will show that he hath not.

"For can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee, O house of Israel.

"Behold I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me."

These verses have a dear place in my heart from other experiences I have, and I know that the lord knew that, and knew exactly what I needed to hear. As i quietly knelt in awe at how the lord had so perfectly helped me with my problems at hand, I thought about how incredibly lucky I am to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I feel so incredibly indebted to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for all that they have done and continue to do for me. I am so grateful for the unconditional love Jesus offers me. The lord loves each one of us so much, and is always mindful of us. He hears our prayers and waits for us to come to him, with his arms outstretched. I want to share this gospel with everyone because I know how incredibly enriched the gospel makes our lives.

I can wake up everyday with hope because I know that the lord has overcome the world and has suffered for each and everyone of our sins so that we can return to live with him someday, and have the incredible blessings that he has.

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me. I know that my redeemer lives.

If you haven't come to know Christ, I invite you to today. Pray to ask the lord if he is there, and if his gospel is on the earth. You are his child, and he loves you more than you can comprehend. Search the scriptures dilligently, and you will find answers to the questions and missing pieces in your life.

I had to share this because I feel I would be ungrateful for all the lord has done for me if I did not. I love life! I'm so grateful for my friends and family as well and all that they do for me! Have a wonderful day! :)

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