I'm not a perfect girl. My hair doesn't always stay in place and I spill things a lot. I'm pretty clumsy and sometimes i have a broken heart. My friends and I sometimes fight and maybe some days nothing goes right. But when i think about it and take a step back, I remember how amazing life truly is and that maybe, just maybe, I like being unperfect <3

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lacey and Neil contemporary, time by mia micheals

Because I never really had a close dad in my life, I love watching this. I imagine my reunion with my Father in heaven will feel somewhat like this. Im so grateful for my father and his son for being here for me, and loving me. I am forever indebted. Missing my father. Can't wait to be with him again.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

wet and WILD

So for Elyse's (my sister-in-law) birthday we (and when i say we i automatically am referring to my family haha) went to Wet and Wild. (the waterpark in Glendale...listed as one of the most extreme water parks) ya baby! It was SO MUCH FUN!

At first when we got there I was thinking to myself..hmmm... now would be a good time to be married. The group consisted of: Nicole & Ty, Monique & Adam, David & Elyse,...and me. yep just me. haha It ended up being really fun though! We got in the wave pool first and Monique threw on her goggles. Typical Monique! LOVE IT! i was wishing i had brought mine.

The best part about the night was making jokes about me being by myself and asking random strangers to ride with me. I went up to one lifeguard and asked him if you were allowed to ride in a double tube on your own. I stared at the floor awkwardly and a little tear dropped from my lonely face. JUST KIDDING! but i really did ask him. haha he replied yes and then my sister was starts cracking up. Me: Whats so funnY? Nicole: did you just ask him to ride with you in a round about way? Me: NO! Nicole: right! hahah
The rest of the night proceeded in that way. After one of the slides everyone took a while to get down after me, and so i stood awkardly all alone with the lifeguard. Finally i broke the silence. "So...do you like your job?"
"Ya sure"
"Do you get paid well?"
"Uh huh."
"well thats good."
(awkward silence)
"so do you ever get bored?"
"ya sometimes."
"thats rough. Its hot! You must get so hot!"
"ya i do...thats why you gotta like the job or it sucks."
(in my head..isn't that an epic thought..haha)
"well cool. Maybe i'll become a lifeguard some day."
"ya you should."
(My sibblings arrive..thank goodness)
"well nice meeting you!"
I swear the poor lifeguard thought i was just a lonely girl trying to find a friend. I think she was relieved when she realized i did actually come with people. haha

To finish off the night we went on the scariest ride. It was like the sidewinder at sunsplash, (the big half pipe thingy) only the beginning of the ride is nice and slow, and you sit in a big round tube that can fit up to 4 people. As I was standing in line I was so cool about it. "Ya this ride is no big deal I'm stoked," I'd say to passerbys. Then as we got up to the front of the line I hit panic mode. "Wow we are really high up aren't we?" "hmm this is looking kinda freaky." "you know that red slide looks fun. I bet we could hit up that one instead..." Unfortunately the time came to get inside the tube of doom. I felt as if i was stepping into my coffin. "Goodbye! I yelled to the new friends i'd made in line." Then just as the lifeguard pushed the button to make us go I managed to yell out, "Wait is there a certain position i should sit in to not die?!" He pressed the button to stop the ride in a frenzy and just stared at me. I stared back. Then i mustered a half smile. He pressed the button to go. I guess that was a bad question. haha

To lighten the mood i sang "yo ho yo ho a pirates life for..."

then we went down the big half pipe.


It was CRAZY!! we definitely got air! i'd say my life flashed before my eyes but really I didn't see anything cus i closed my eyes and screamed until the ride ended. haha

When we finished my legs were literally jelly. LIterally. If you wanted a PB&J, you could just place me on some bread. haha The ride was totally fun tho! We went on it again and the second time was even better! I loved being with my family. They are so fun!

Overall the night was a blast. I am so incredibly blessed because there is no one i'd rather be with in the world than my family. They are my support group, my best friends. I honestly don't know where i'd be without them. I'm so grateful for them in my life.

Right now life is peachy! I'm wondering when big foot is going to come and smash my peach with his hairy foot! its gotta be coming soon right? Oh well that that don't kill you, can only make you stronger!

Anyone want to come party with me? Make a healthy dinner and then ruin it with some delicious chocolate cookies? :)

Thats alllllll folks. have a good day:)!

Friday, June 24, 2011

California Vacations are the best!

As im sitting at home thinking about all the things i need to get done, i decided to not do any of them (its not a proud moment for me) and look up old pictures and videos instead.

As I did, I came across these random videos from my trip to Disneyland with CJ Everts. This trip will definitely always remain in my memory..haha

We had a few set backs (cough cough...major tire blow out) which led to...

walking a mile to get to a phone that had service on the free way (you know those random ones they have like every mile in case something like this happens haha),

flagging down random passer-bys on the free way to help us get the tire fixed,

and then me remembering i have triple A and calling them shortly. (woops!!)

Some nice Christians stopped and helped us change the tire, and offered us water (god bless!!!) haha. (Oh if you are wondering why we didnt just change it ourselves...we forgot to bring any tools...strike 2! or is this 3? I lost track at this point) haha

After waiting around for about 2 hours to get the problem solved, we hopped back into the car (we didnt actually hop, but i will say we kept pretty good spirits up despite the situation we were now in haha) and headed to America's Tires!

Once there we had to wait a while to get a new tire put on (we were driving the spare to America's Tires, hoping we'd make it) Once the tire was put on we were back on track ready to see Cali for the FIRST TIME! (okay aside from the fact that CJ grew up there and I'd been there like 10 times haha we're trying to make this trip epic okay?! haha)

Cali was a blast! Cj was a great host! At about 6am the next day after staying up way too late i awoke to Cj creaking my door open slightly to see if i was awake. when i responded with "good morning Cj what are you doing its 6am..." He responded with "Yay you are awake!!! Lets go to Disneyland! I've been waiting all morning for you to wake up!!" If theres anything people know about me, I'm definitely anything BUT a morning person, but seeing that excited face say those words I couldn't help but smile and roll out of bed. haha

Disneyland/Cali Adventures was AMAZING!! I'm pretty sure we went on every single ride at both parks! SO MUCH FUN! (Minus Tower of Terror--which you see in one of the pictures posted...i despise that ride...but i went on it anyway and Cj found it hysterical haha) by about 11pm though i was pretty much unconscious with exhaustion. Cj wanted to stay until midnight. I didnt have the heart to tell him that i may just pass out on the next ride. haha We agreed the last ride (if its even a ride) we'd go on was the Tiki Room. All i remember is waking up every couple minutes and saying i liked one of the birds when Cj would ask me if i liked it. He thought it was pretty funny..

Overall the trip was so fun! got to go to the temple (always been a dream of mine!) and lay on the beach at night (another dream of mine!) Also ate at Chipotle for the first time! (YUM YUM)

We had no setbacks on the drive home and had an awesome time!! So lucky i got to go!